Salaam Alaikum w Rahmatulahi w Barakatuhu
This weekend i was lucky enough, Alhamdallah, to participate in a course called "Understand the Quran the Easy Way". It was a great course that provided non Arabic speakers an insight into the beautiful language of the Holy Quran. The course went for a total of 9 hours spread over 2 days. It was a complete sell out, and Inshallah we all learnt something new.
Our swanky new pen .. I lost mine after about 5 mins. Maybe Shireen took it. |
Dr. Abdul Azeez is really well educated and such a great teacher, MashAllah. |
Our Amazing workbook, this book is priceless. |
The auditorium filled up really quickly, it was over full, with over 1,000 people attending. |
My notes. |
Further details and information can be found on the website:
May Allah grant us all guidance.
:O I didn't take your pen!!!